This summary is about Don't Believe Everything You Think: Why Your Thinking Is The Beginning & End Of Suffering. This book is about learning to be happy. It says happiness comes from not thinking so much. When we think too much, we worry and get stressed. That makes us feel bad.
Our minds are really good at thinking. They want to keep us safe. But sometimes, our minds think too much about bad things. That makes us anxious. This book teaches that we don't have to listen to those thoughts.
The book explains the difference between thoughts and thinking. Thoughts just pop into our heads. Thinking is when we focus on those thoughts and start to worry.
When we think too much, it's like stirring up dirty water. It gets cloudy and we can't see clearly.
The book teaches that we can let go of those thoughts and let our minds settle. When we do that, we feel peace and joy.
This book is full of simple and feasible principles and methods, and mentions the following important concepts:
1. Universal Mind: This is the energy in everything. It is the source of love and peace.
2. Consciousness: This is what makes us aware of our thoughts.
3. Thought: This is the raw material we use to create.
The book says we can achieve anything when we stop thinking so much.
This book is written in simple language that is easy to understand. It is a great book for anyone who wants to learn how to be happy and peaceful.
Would you like to get and study it carefully? Click here to Get it on Amazon
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